Dyson Perrins Prospectus V2


LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 02 03 To deliver academic excellence every day. To enable character development and personal growth. To provide extra-ordinary experiences that create life-long memories. To create a supportive and happy learning community with a sense of togetherness. a positive B E L I E F | T R U S T | R E S I L I E NC E | C HA L L E NG E Our vision is simple; we want our students to develop academically and personally so they can achieve their potential and enjoy a bright future. Learning at Dyson Perrins is exciting and challenging and we have high expectations of all students. In addition to the academic curriculum, our students opportunities that enrich the curriculum and create lasting memories and friendships. We believe our students should be happy and in a culture of respect. Dyson Perrins has a strong reputation for excellent pastoral to supporting every student to achieve their very best. our school so I encourage you to book a visit during a normal school day. I look forward to working with you to ensure your child gets the best out of their education and feels valued as a member of our community. A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL CHURCH SCHOOL OUR VISION Dyson Perrins is a happy and successful church school, committed to providing the very best education for our students. It is a privilege to lead Dyson Perrins. MIKE GUNSTON HEADTEACHER “Pupils are happy and feel safe at this inclusive school.” LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS JOHN 10:10 OFSTED

LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 04 05 Teachers have high expectations and encourage students to challenge themselves, be resilient, and always strive to achieve their best. Students are set ambitious targets in all subjects and their progress is regularly monitored. Parents are updated on their child’s progress throughout the year and we always welcome communication. Our teachers plan lessons and learning activities to cater for the needs of all learners, stretching our most able students and ensuring that those with additional needs are exceptionally well supported. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Our unrelenting focus on high standards across all aspects of school life ensures students make strong progress, whatever their starting points. “Sta have high expectations for pupils in all aspects of school life.” OFSTED “Pupils with SEND are well supported.” OFSTED

LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 06 07 All students study a wide variety of subjects that cover the National Curriculum and beyond. This approach in Key Stage Three prepares students to follow a combination of the academic English Baccalaureate subjects alongside practical and creative subjects in Key Stage Four. Our curriculum goes beyond the academic. The school’s Christian distinctiveness means we prioritise students’ personal, social and spiritual growth. Whether through our excellent Personal Development programme, character curriculum, or collective worship, we expect all young people to develop as responsible and kind citizens. We encourage a love of reading through our form group reading programme and opportunities across the curriculum. A VIBRANT CURRICULUM is built on the foundation of high expectations and ambition for all. “Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum.” Ofsted

LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 08 09 supported through our collective worship and joint celebrations throughout the school year. Students gain a sense of belonging and build strong, supportive relationships within their form group, and our House system also provides opportunities for competition, achievement and enjoyment with all students belonging to one of our four Houses: Ballard, Elgar, Foley, Morgan. Dedicated Year Leaders, Pastoral Managers and our Chaplain work together to ensure that all students feel supported. Students are encouraged to make decisions on their next steps by our careers team, including through work experience, mock interviews and a wide range of guest speakers. We recognise students’ well-being is crucial for their happiness, attendance and progress, so we ensure a wide variety of support is available. We believe in the importance of developing opportunities for students to make a positive contribution to their community, including form reps, sports captains, peer-mentors and prefects. We expect our students to take on responsibilities and make a positive contribution to our community. PERSONAL GROWTH, SUPPORT & GUIDANCE Dyson Perrins is a caring community with Christian values, where students learn spiritual, moral, social and cultural values as we prepare them for adulthood and the wider world. OFSTED “Leaders have created a culture in school which celebrates di erence.” OFSTED “Pupils are well mannered and respectful.”

LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 10 11 a music group, a science club or through our successful Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme, we provide our students with opportunities to shine by exploring and developing their talents, whilst building with a wide range of day visits and residential trips for students to apply their learning in real life contexts. We understand that extracurricular experiences inspire and enthuse our students and aim for everyone to take part during their time at Dyson Perrins. BEYOND THE CURRICULUM Extra-curricular enrichment opportunities are extensive at Dyson Perrins. transition into Year 7 is as smooth as possible. Strong relationships with local primary schools allow us to share information about detailed understanding of students’ academic needs and allowing us to plan appropriate support. We deliver a wide range of primary transition activities for Key Stage 2 students, meaning many students will be familiar with and anticipation. We also recognise that some students will feel more anxious about the transition to secondary school and can organise additional visits where required in partnership with feeder primary schools. SUPPORTING TRANSITION Students join Dyson Perrins from primary schools across Malvern and surrounding areas. Ofsted “A supportive and happy learning community with a SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT “The wider development o er at the school is strong.”

DYSON PERRINS 012 Dyson Perrins Church of England Academy Yates Hay Road Malvern Worcestershire WR14 1WD 01684 564751 www.dysonperrins.worcs.sch.uk