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  • Life in all its fullness




    • The school’s uniform policy is designed to encourage a purposeful and effective climate for learning. 
    • It is expected that all 11-16 students wear full school uniform at all times, unless directed otherwise by staff.
    • All students and staff should be smart and take pride in their appearance, dressed appropriately within the ethos of a formal academic working environment. 
    • All students should be aware that they represent the school, its ethos and its image, when wearing the school uniform – both in and out of school.
    • Students should arrive and leave the school wearing the uniform within the expectations outlined below.


    The Governing Body support the Department for Education’s views on the importance of school uniform:

    "A uniform can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion between different groups of pupils. Above all, many schools believe that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning and engenders a positive, calm and respectful teaching and learning environment. "

    Academy Uniform Stockists

    Dyson Perrins uniform items are supplied through our two official stockists:   Kitz UK and Monkhouse.

    Shirts and trousers can be purchased from any retailer. All other items are available from our stockists.

    The academy also operates a uniform swap shop within the Pastoral Office. Parents are encouraged to contact the school if they require support with uniform. 



    • Black blazers with Dyson Perrins academy badge
    • White collared school shirt for wearing with a tie
    • Dyson Perrins madeira red with white stripes and house coloured stripe for Years 7-10. Plain red tie Year 11 only.
    • Plain black school trousers. Trousers must be full length, plain material, classic tailored style with no extreme flares (leggings, footless tights, drain pipes, cords, jeans of any sort or cropped trousers are not allowed), or
    • Black skirt with academy badge embroidered, no more than two inches from the knee (only available from school suppliers)
    • Tailored knee length shorts are permitted in the summer months
    • Plain black socks or tights (patterned tights are not acceptable)
    • Black with red trim or plain back V-neck jumper, with or without sleeves. Jumpers are optional and only in addition to a blazer not instead of a blazer.
    • Plain black school shoes. Shoes must be able to be polished. Trainers, suede shoes, sandaltype shoes or Doc Marten type boots are not acceptable.
    • Jewellery is not to be worn except for watches, ‘medic-alert’ bracelets and a small stud in each ear lobe. No other item of body piercing jewellery is permitted, including clear retainers. Tattoos (whether temporary or permanent) are not allowed.

    Make-up should be minimal and subtle. Nail varnish and/or acrylic nails are not allowed. In all cases, the school has the right to exercise its discretion about appropriateness of make-up.  Hair is to be kept neat and tidy, in a natural colour and avoiding extremes of fashion. No haircut may be shorter than a number 3. Hair should not have any shaved working or patterns on the scalp or back of head.

    Coats are encouraged, especially in winter months. Coats must be plain coloured and must not have large logos or patterns. Non-school jumpers cannot be worn over a blazer and/or in replace of a coat. Hooded jumpers are not permitted in school. 

    Headwear is not allowed in the classroom except for religious, cultural or medical reasons. In such cases, this must be agreed on an individual basis between the parents and the school. Hats & hoods can only be worn outside in very cold weather. Baseball-style caps are not allowed.  Parents and students are advised that extremes of fashion will be ruled as ‘non-uniform’. 

    All items of clothing are to be named.

    PE kit

    • Compulsory: maroon polo top, black shorts, black skort, black sports socks.
    • Optional: black ¾ zip up training top, black tracksuit bottoms, black leggings, grey hooded jumper with academy badge embroidered, maroon rugby top.
    • All students will require clean trainers for indoor PE lessons and either trainers or boots with plastic studs for our all-weather 3G pitch.

    Uniform Swap Shop - Free Preloved Items

    Uniform Swap Shop- providing free preloved school uniform to our school community.

    Uniform can be expensive and family circumstances can change. Sometimes keeping our children in full school uniform can be difficult, especially during these challenging times with the cost of living soaring. 

    The school swap shop is an initiate, intended to help families by providing free school uniform, PE kits, coats, shoes and anything else that might be needed. Anyone is welcome to donate clean and washed preloved clothing or request anything they need. 

    Please help us to help as many families in our school community to provide their children with the uniform necessary to keep them warm, safe and ready to learn.

    Have a donation?

    Clean washed uniform, coats, shoes and other school items can be donated to reception during the hours  8.30am-4pm. All donations are gratefully received. Thank you.  

    Something you need?

    Please email with details of what you need. If we have it, we will provide it.  

    required equipment

    Students are provided with textbooks and exercise books but they are expected to supply their own fully equipped pencil case and a bag in which to carry their books, equipment and student planner. These items should be taken to all lessons every day. Students must have the following items:
    • Black pen
    • Red pen
    • Pencils
    • Pencil sharpener
    • Ruler
    • Rubber
    • Colouring pencils
    • At least one highlighter
    • Scientific calculator
    • Compass
    • Protractor