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  • Life in all its fullness



    Exams are not just memory tests; they test you on how well you can apply information, and how well you have prepared. Believe it or not, you can get the bulk of your marks before even stepping into the exam hall! How? By starting to use some of the revision techniques and tips shown to you and attached here – you will be guaranteed to improve your grades!

    The attached sheets offer guidance for students and parents on how to revise effectively. The approaches vary, so all types of learners are catered for. In the Autumn term, Year 11 are introduced to the revision initiative ‘Stepping Up’, which includes revision strategies such as using flash cards and mind-maps. These are explained to pupils during tutor time to support independent application and practice at home. 

    Please take the time to read through the following advice and use the techniques to support your success.

    How to revise Videos

    Period 6 revision classes - year 11