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  • Life in all its fullness


    House System at Dyson Perrins

    To live out our vision of ‘life in all its fullness’, every term we run an inter-house competition that combines a range of sporting, academic and community events. The aim of our House system is to promote a sense of belonging within school, build resilience, facilitate heathy competition and promote our core values, as well as helping our community to develop relationships both inside and outside of the classroom.  


    Our Houses are named after the following local and influential people.  



    Lady Emily Foley lived at Stoke Edith and was a great benefactor to the Malvern Community. She had a significant influence in town affairs as she owned the majority of the land around Malvern. When Malvern became known for the water cure from 1842, it also became a popular place to live and land for building houses was much sought after. Lady Foley insisted that land bought from her to build a house must be at least an acre per house and that a large number of trees be planted around the houses. This has left     Malvern a legacy of beautiful trees throughout the town.


    Stephen Ballard was born on 5th April 1804 at Ivy House in Malvern Link.

    Ballard was an engineer and received the Telford Medal for his invention of an ice-breaker which was first launched from the Ledbury Wharf on 20th December 1837. When the Hereford to Worcester railway line was to be constructed Stephen Ballard was appointed engineer for the line.


    Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan (1881–1959), known as HFS, was an English sports car manufacturer and founder of the Morgan Motor Company (MMC) and its chairman from 1937 until his death in 1959. He left the GWR in late 1904 and with his friend Leslie Bacon opened a motor sales and servicing garage in Malvern Link in May 1905. Some of his engineering work was completed in the Malvern College workshop.


    Edward Elgar was born in the small village of Lower Broadheath, outside Worcester, on 2 June 1857. Elgar, was a self-taught English composer, many of whose works have entered the British and international classical concert repertoire. In 1904 Elgar was knighted, and from 1905 to 1908 he was the University of Birmingham’s first professor of music.


    We meet once a term as a House Community where we launch the House Challenges for the term and reflect on past events. Each term ends with Community Week where our form time programme focusses on a particular theme and encourages inter-form competition between the houses as a final push to change the scores before the new terms assembly. Our House System is led by our Staff House Leaders and Student House Leaders.




    spring house poster 2024/25